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  • Picture of Bahiano Do sul Bahiano Do sul
    4 months ago

    Esta mistura maluca e controversa de mundo aberto de Postal e GTA geriátrico coloca você no papel de um idoso que foge de uma instituição de saúde e começa a causar estragos em uma cidade que odeia os idosos. É divertido por um tempo, mas a violência exagerada e o ragdoll exagerado envelhecem muito rápido e o que resta são controles horríveis, gráficos desatualizados, otimização deficiente e um monte de outras falhas.

  • Picture of dead202 dead202
    2 months ago

    GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH Just Die Already is an old people mayhem sandbox game created by the designers of Goat Simulator. You are an old retired person in a near future where people aren’t having any children. There isn’t anyone to pay for pensions due to those ungrateful millennials who prefer playing video games instead of doing actual work. With no one to cover your living costs, you - just like all other old people in this world - have no other choice but to survive on your own. To make things worse, you’ve just been kicked out of your retirement home, and your only option now is to perform dangerous challenges and explore the world for retirement tickets to qualify for free retirement care.

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